September 23, 2014
2 minutes
We’ve done it! No longer do we have to imagine what a pioneering and forward-thinking Aspire would look like or sound like. After more than a year of strategic thinking and careful planning, we have it, and we would like to share it with you.
Who we truly are and what we’re about is now reflected in our new brand image with a vibrant, contemporary logo and color palette, powerful tagline, and an advanced, responsive website. This is an exciting, invigorating time for Aspire and we hope our participants, families, volunteers, supporters, investors, donors and partners feel the energy and embrace our new brand as much as we do.
Our new brand image is much more aligned with who we are — one of the most innovative and uncompromising human service non-profits in the Midwest with an incredibly talented and enterprising team of more than 250. But we don’t stop there. We work alongside more than 200 community partners — including schools, daycare centers, religious and other public institutions, local businesses and Fortune 500 companies — to redefine what is possible for people with disabilities. Our bold initiatives now help nearly 1,000 kids and adults with disabilities each year, and that number is growing fast.
The new branding also captures Aspire’s unique “enterprise” structure, which is groundbreaking and a first among U.S. nonprofits. Our four dynamic enterprises are Aspire Kids, Aspire Living, Aspire Careers and Aspire CoffeeWorks. Much more than just programs, each enterprise has a strong executive in charge, a focused business strategy for getting results, and entrepreneurial teams that blend the best of non-profit and for-profit thinking. This new organizational structure is a bold step for Aspire, but a necessary one, to create break-through opportunities and extraordinary services for people with disabilities in an era of financial uncertainty.
Again, we thank all of the brand ambassadors as well as partners who have helped us bring our new brand to life. Everyone at Aspire hopes you embrace our brand and make it your own. Use it as a powerful tool to rally friends, family and colleagues around our simple, but profound, tagline – Together, We’re Better.
Jim Kales
President and CEO
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